Health and Public Benefits – Medical-Legal Partnership

The Mississippi Center for Justice and the Mississippi State Department of Health have collaborated to form a medical-legal partnership that provides free legal assistance to recipients of Ryan White services upon referral by the individual’s healthcare provider. We believe this partnership will aid in improving the overall health and well-being of countless individuals by eliminating legal and non-medical barriers that may otherwise delay or prohibit healthy outcomes.

Statistical data shows:

  • In 2018, there were 9,466 people living with HIV in Mississippi.
  • In 2018, 477 people were newly diagnosed.
  • Among the 477 newly diagnosed individuals, 77.8% were men.
  • Among the 477 newly diagnosed individuals, 73.8% were African Americans.

Medical-legal partnerships merge the skills and training of legal professionals and health law professionals in medical settings to identify, address and prevent health-harming social conditions for people and communities. For more information on medical-legal partnerships, visit the National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership website.