22 Apr The Year of Catalysts for Change

When we think of a catalyst, we often envision a chemical reaction—a substance that accelerates change. However, the concept remains just as powerful in the context of social justice, which is why we chose ‘Catalyst for Change’ as our theme for 2024. This theme, like our themes for 2022 – ‘We are the THEY’ and 2023 – ‘Justice Takes All of Us’ reflects our belief in collaborative partnerships for change. Since 2003, the Mississippi Center for Justice has worked to transform racial, economic, and social justice in Mississippi. MCJ’s lawyers, advocates, community partners, pro bono partners, donors, and grantors have acted as catalysts to create conditions to accelerate change. Collaboration is a crucial element of our organizational culture and DNA. We are stronger when we work together to challenge the status quo, question oppressive systems, and demand change in healthcare, voting rights, education, economic insecurity, landlord-tenant laws, and much more. This year, we will recognize and celebrate individuals and organizations that enlarge our capacity to accelerate change through their philanthropy and legal and community advocacy. These synergetic partnerships enable MCJ to challenge discriminatory policies, fight for equitable access, and dismantle oppressive systems. As you will learn, we are empowered to continue the work for sustainable and structural change because of these transformative partners! As you receive correspondences introducing our Catalysts for Change, I invite you to learn more about the individuals and organizations inspiring and enlarging our fight for transformative change. We know our Catalysts will inspire you just as they inspire us! We will honor four Catalysts at our 2024 Mississippi on the Potomac Social Justice Empowerment Reception and Dinner on June 5 in Washington, DC. This will surely be a valuable opportunity where you can celebrate with us and connect with like-minded advocates, donors, and supporters who share your vision for change. Sponsorships and tickets are available. The funds raised from this annual event are crucial in supporting our advocacy and general operating costs, enabling us to pursue our mission. You won’t want to miss this event, as it presents an opportunity to celebrate extraordinary philanthropists, foundations, law firms, and advocacy organizations, drawing inspiration from their unwavering commitment. Following the reception, we will host a limited-seating Social Justice Empowerment Dinner led by more than 25 social justice luminaries. The dinner features thought-provoking conversations led by social justice thought leaders and legal experts, providing a unique opportunity for meaningful connections. We are more passionate than ever about the work ahead and the social justice transformations you and other partners will help accelerate across Mississippi as Catalysts for Change. Your support is invaluable, and together we will ignite a brighter future! Warmest regards, |
Vangela M. Wade
President and CEO