A Message from Vangela M. Wade, President and CEO at the Mississippi Center for Justice Under the leadership of Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke, last month, the Department of Justice (DOJ) Civil Rights Division declared an investigation into the Lexington Police Department and the City of...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   December 8, 2023   Contact:  Shannon Augustus, saugustus@lwv.org  Mandesha Thornton, comms-mcj@rabengroup.com  Phoebe Plagens, pplagens@naacpldf.org   JACKSON, Miss. —The League of Women Voters of the US, the League of Women Voters of Mississippi, the Mississippi Center for Justice, One Voice, Mississippi Votes, Mississippi State Conference of the NAACP, Black Voters Matter,...

A Message from Alecia Reed-Owens, Deputy Director of Health Law at Mississippi Center for Justice The Deep South has long been grappling with the HIV epidemic. While significant strides have been made in HIV prevention and treatment nationwide, the legal landscape regarding HIV varies considerably from...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   November 8, 2023      Contact: Mandesha Thornton   Phone: 601-487-7504 Email: comms-mcj@rabengroup.com     Contact: Henry Goss   Phone: 601-955-8711 Email: henry@msvotes.org        Jackson, MS — During yesterday’s statewide elections, Hinds County—Mississippi’s most populous county—had ballot shortages throughout the day across a wide swath of precincts, impacting thousands of Mississippi voters. As a result, two...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   October 13, 2023   Contact: Mandesha Thornton   Phone: 769-230-2839 Email: mthornton@mscenterforjustice.org Celebrate “Champions of Justice” with the Mississippi Center for Justice Highlighting MCJ’s 20-Year Stand for Justice and Equality in Mississippi   [Jackson, MS] – The Mississippi Center for Justice (MCJ) will host “Champions of Justice” on Thursday, October 26, at...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 26, 2023 Press Contact: Nik Sibley, comms-mcj@rabengroup.com Five-Year Broadband Expansion And Accessibility Action Plan Fails To Establish Broadband Equity In Mississippi, Says Mississippi Center For Justice JACKSON, MS — The Broadband Expansion and Accessibility of Mississippi (BEAM) office’s Five-Year Action Plan inadequately addresses the needs of...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AUGUST 31, 2023   Fourteen Black Farmworkers Sue Mississippi Farm for Lost Wages and Job Opportunities Due to Abuse of the Immigration System  MISSISSIPPI DELTA— Fourteen Black farmworkers filed a lawsuit in federal court last week against a farm in the Mississippi Delta, alleging that...