Jackson Free Press Dustin Cardon The truth behind censorship, cover-ups and corporate control in news media is on menu when documentary "Shadows of Liberty" makes its Jackson debut with a free screening 7:30 p.m. tonight, Friday, Feb. 27, at the Rainbow Plaza in Fondren (2807 Old Canton...

Roll Call Reilly Morse The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s imminent reform of the payday lending industry is welcome news for millions of families burdened by the industry’s exploitative practices in my home state of Mississippi and across the country. Payday lenders have caused more than their share of...

The Bolivar Commercial Anne Hart Preus The Mississippi Center for Justice will hold an expungement clinic at the Center for Community and Economic Development/Delta State on Jan. 14-15 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. to help those in the Delta clear their arrest and conviction records. The clinic...